Chamber Talks

Münir Nurettin Selçuk: Performer and Composer
Cemal Ünlü


24 April 2019 / 18:30 Geçmiş Aktivite

This month’s guest of the Chamber Talks by Istanbul Research Institute’s new “Istanbul and Music Studies Program” (IMSP) is Cemal Ünlü, who will discuss the musical production of Münir Nurettin Selçuk and present a selection of phonograph records from an extensive collection of 200 as part of his speech titled “Münir Nurettin Selçuk: Performer and Composer”. Ünlü will also share select works from Selçuk’s compositions in various scales, or makams, as well as the composer’s musical arrangements of Yahya Kemal’s poems. Ünlü will be accompanied by Burak Kaynarca and Özlem Elitaş, lecturers from Afyonkarahisar Kocatepe University’s State Conservatory who will perform at the event.

Free of admissions; drop in. The talk will be in Turkish.