İAE-ANAMED Joint Fellowship
Istanbul Research Institute (İAE) and Koç University’s Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (ANAMED) are pleased to announce a new joint fellowship to support one post-doctoral scholar conducting research on the archaeology, architecture, art history, heritage, or history of Istanbul. The fellow will benefit from residence in Istanbul and the facilities of both the İAE and ANAMED.
All candidates must be conversant in English and agree to take on no other obligation (e.g., part-time teaching) during the fellowship term. The successful applicant will hold the fellowship for the fall term of the 2023-2024 academic year in residence at ANAMED in Istanbul and must be able to carry out the proposed research with resources available in both institutions and thus in Turkey.
The fellowship offers benefits include a monthly stipend to cover expenses not already included in the fellowship, international travel costs to and from Turkey, accommodation at ANAMED, five meals per week or support for the same, health insurance, a modest research budget, a workspace, and full access to the research and library facilities, events, and scholarly communities within both sponsoring institutions.
Please note that all applications must be submitted via ANAMED’s application form.
For more info, please visit https://anamed.ku.edu.tr/en/joint-research-supports/iae-anamed-joint-fellowship/
Eligibility Requirements
*PhD candidates who have completed the doctoral qualification stage and post-doctoral and senior scholars in relevant fields can apply for fellowships.
*An applicant who has completed or expects to complete her/his PhD (including the defense, viva voce, and/or final public examination) before the fellowship term begins should apply for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship. In cases where the PhD degree is granted after the application has been submitted but before the fellowship term begins, the applicant is required to submit a copy of the doctoral diploma (and/or final transcript) to the Fellowship Coordinator before the fellowship term begins. If the applicant fails to complete the PhD before the fellowship term begins, the Post-Doctoral Fellowship will be cancelled.
*An applicant who has applied for and is awarded a PhD Fellowship and who successfully completes her/his PhD during the ANAMED fellowship year will be allowed to complete the full term of the fellowship but will not be eligible for an upgrade to a Post-Doctoral Fellowship.
*Koç University PhD students are not eligible for ANAMED PhD Fellowships. Graduates of Koç University PhD programs, however, may apply for Post-Doctoral and/or Senior Fellowships.
*Applicants may not apply for both Regular/Joint Fellowships and Short-Term Fellowships in the same year.
*Former fellows of Istanbul Research Institute can re-apply for a grant after five years have passed since their previous fellowship year.
*Applications from scholars of all nationalities are encouraged, yet fellows must be proficient in English.
All Benefits
*A monthly stipend to cover most local expenses not covered by the fellowship
*Accommodation at ANAMED’s residential facility in the center of Beyoğlu, Istanbul
*Five meals per week
*Transportation to and from Turkey.
*A modest research budget.
*Health insurance
*Residence permit
*Full access to the İAE and ANAMED Libraries, their library services, affiliates (via BiblioPera), and online resources
*Full access to lectures, symposia, and other activities at İAE and ANAMED and on the main Koç University campus
Research and Write-Up Grant for PhD Candidates
The applications are open! Deadline is July 1, 2024.
Every year, Istanbul Research Institute awards 1 PhD candidate (who has passed the comprehensive exam and became ABD-all but dissertation) a Research and Write-Up Grant to support innovative research on Istanbul. This grant may be used for field/archival research necessary for the PhD dissertation or for writing the dissertation itself.
The grant amount for the 2024–2025 academic year is TRY75.000.
Eligibility Requirements
*Having passed the comprehensive exam, to be registered as a PhD candidate at a social science or humanities department of a university in Turkey or abroad.
*Former fellows of Istanbul Research Institute can re-apply for a grant after five years have passed since their previous fellowship year.
Required Documents
*Detailed CV
*Description of the aim, method, and scope of research, max. 3.000 words
*Basic bibliography
*Schedule for research/writing covering the grant period
*Document showing success in comprehensive exam/transcript
*A recommendation letter form should be filled by the thesis advisor of the researcher. The form can be accessed through the link. Please note that the provided form is the only way to submit a letter of recommendation.
*Information Notice on the Processing of Personal Data for Scholarship Recipients
*All documents (except for the forms) should be separate .doc, .docx or .pdf files, and sent to fellowships@iae.org.tr.
Travel Grants
The applications are open! Deadline is July 1, 2024.
Istanbul Research Institute awards 5 researchers every year a short-term travel grant to support innovative research on Istanbul. This grant may be used only to support field/archive work necessary for a specific research and not for any other needs (such as tuition payments, purchasing of equipment, conference attendance, etc.). This destination of travel does not need to be Istanbul. The grant amount for the 2024-2025 academic year is TRY12.000.
Eligibility Requirements
*To visit another city for a short term for the purposes of an advanced research (MA, PhD, post-doctorate, article, book, etc.) on Istanbul.
*Candidates can travel to Istanbul, unless they are not residents in Istanbul.
*Researchers already resident in the city of research on another grant cannot apply for this grant.
*Former fellows of Istanbul Research Institute can re-apply for a grant after five years have passed since their previous fellowship year.
Required Documents
*Detailed CV
*Description of the aim, method, and scope of archival/field research, specific archives and fields to be visited, as well as the planned period of visit, max. 500 words
*Information Notice on the Processing of Personal Data for Scholarship Recipients
*All documents (except for the form) should be separate .doc, .docx or .pdf files, and sent to fellowships@iae.org.tr.
Conference Grants
The applications are open! Deadline is July 1, 2024.
Istanbul Research Institute awards 5 master’s or PhD students or independent researchers a conference grant to support innovative research on Istanbul by enabling them to present papers abroad at conferences/symposia/workshops or to organize a panel at a conference. This grant may not be used to support field/archive work necessary for a specific research and not for any other needs (such as tuition payments, purchasing of equipment, etc.). The grant amount for the 2024-2025 academic year is TRY12.000.
Eligibility Requirements
*To be presenting a research paper on Istanbul at a conference/symposium/workshop or other scholarly activity outside of Turkey OR organizing a panel at a conference/symposium/workshop or other scholarly activity outside of Turkey.
*To be registered on a PhD or MA program at a social science or humanities department of a university in Turkey OR to be an independent researcher living in Turkey carrying out advanced research OR to be a citizen of Turkey and registered on a PhD or MA program at a social science or humanities department of a university outside Turkey,
*The conference should require a registration fee if it is online.
*Former fellows of Istanbul Research Institute can re-apply for a grant after five years have passed since their previous fellowship year.
Required Documents
*Detailed CV
*Student certificate/transcript for MA and PhD students
*Summary of the paper accepted to the event/panel
*Letter of acceptance to the event
*Information Notice on the Processing of Personal Data for Scholarship Recipients
*All documents (except for the form) should be separate .doc, .docx or .pdf files, and sent to fellowships@iae.org.tr.
2024-2025 Grants
Call for Applications: Istanbul Research Institute Grants 2024–2025
Istanbul Research Institute offers a variety of scholarship programs to researchers working on projects related to its departments of Byzantine, Ottoman, Atatürk and Republican-Era studies, and its “Istanbul and Music” Research Program.
Istanbul Research Institute grants fall into three categories:
- One scholar will be awarded Research and Write-Up Grant for PhD Candidates
- Five scholars will be awarded Travel Grants
- Five scholars will be awarded Conference Grants
Applications can be prepared in English or Turkish.
Deadline for applications: July 01, 2024
For inquiries: fellowships@iae.org.tr
2023-2024 Grants
İAE-ANAMED Joint Fellowship
Istanbul Research Institute (İAE) and Koç University’s Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (ANAMED) are pleased to announce a new joint fellowship to support one post-doctoral scholar conducting research on the archaeology, architecture, art history, heritage, or history of Istanbul. Congratulations to the post-doctoral researcher who gained the support of both institutions within the scope of this collaboration.
Hasan Baran Fırat
Research Subject: From Solemnity of Silence to the Clamour of Noise: Aural Presence of the House of Osman in the Urban Scene of Early Modern Istanbul
İAE Grants
Istanbul Research Institute commits itself to support researchers who could expand the literature in the field of Istanbul studies with novel approaches and un-earthed sources. To this end, we have called for applications in three grant categories: Research and Write-Up Grant for PhD Candidates, Travel Grants, and Conference Grants. We cherish the fact that our calls attracted a great number of hard-working researchers who put effort into proposing their valuable research for the grants we offered. With great delight, we introduce the researchers whose projects we took pride in supporting.
Daria Kovaleva
Dissertation Title: Spectacle and the Early Modern Empire: the Production of Public Culture in Ottoman Istanbul
Affiliation: Harvard University
Alper Metin
Research Subject: Masonry Construction in Eighteenth-Century Istanbul and Its Ties to Other Mediterranean Know-Hows
Affiliation: University of Bologna
Amendola Rebecca
Research Subject: Between Two Capitals: Art and Aristocratic Patronage in Constantinople and Thessaloniki during the Early Palaeologan Period (ca. 1261-1350)
Affiliation: Sapienza University of Rome
Elif Kök
Research Subject: Rus Gravürlerinde İstanbul: 19. Yüzyıl Rus Dergilerinde İstanbul'un Temsili
Affiliation: Marmara University
Klara Volarić
Research Subject: Yugoslav Colony in Istanbul Between the Two World Wars
Affiliation: Independent Researcher
Michael Eisenberg
Research Subject: Al-Andalus in Edirne and Istanbul and the Microtonal Hijaz
Affiliation: Touro University
Aynur Gürlemez Arı
Conference Title: 17th International Congress of Turkish Art
Proceeding Title: Turkish Art Exhibited at the Biennales After the Second World War by the Organization of the Istanbul Academy of Fine Arts
Affiliation: Independent Researcher
Damla Gürkan Anar
Conference Title: Turkologentag 2023
Proceeding Title: Mevlid Ceremonies in the Sultan Ahmed Mosque in the Seventeenth Century
Affiliation: Independent Researcher
Elif Kaymaz
Conference Title: Symposium of Urban Design History and Theory
Proceeding Title: Fear, Crisis and Space: Wartime Urbanism and Policies of Passive Defense in Turkey (1939-1945)
Affiliation: Middle Eastern Technical University
Hüsamettin Şimşir
Conference Title: Turkologentag 2023
Proceeding Title: Conqueror's Property Tax Abolished:The Period of 1455-1470 in Understanding of the Repopulation of Istanbul
Affiliation: University of Notre Dame
Merve Köksal
Conference Title: 17th International Congress of Turkish Art
Proceeding Title: The Painting Exhibitions in Istanbul under Allied Occupation, 1918-1923
Affiliation: Akdeniz University
2022-2023 Grants
Istanbul Research Institute commits itself to support researchers who could expand the literature in the field of Istanbul studies with novel approaches and un-earthed sources. To this end, we have called for applications in four grant categories in 2022: Post-Doctoral Research and Writing Grant, Research and Write-Up Grant for PhD Candidates, Travel Grants, and Conference Grants. We cherish the fact that our calls attracted a great number of hard-working researchers who put enormous effort into proposing their valuable research for the grants we offered. With great delight we introduce the researchers whose projects we took pride in supporting.
Ümit Fırat Açıkgöz
Research Subject Global Locality, National Modernity: Negotiating Urban Transformation in Early Republican Istanbul (1923-1949)
Affiliation: American University of Beirut
Elif Demirtiken
Dissertation Title: Monks, Monasteries and the Imperial Power in Palaiologan Constantinople
Affiliation: Edinburgh University
Ali Danis Neyzi
Research Subject: The Many Angles of Philanthropy: Ottoman Imperial Vakfs in Late-Fifteenth Century
Affiliation: UC Davis
Cansu Değirmencioğlu
Research Subject: Prescribed Modernity: Health, Hygiene and Architecture in Early Republican Turkey (1923-1950)
Affiliation: Technical University of Munich
Dimitrios Stergiopoulos
Research Subject: The Bankers of Galata between Athens and Istanbul during the Crisis of 1870s
Affiliation: University of California San Diego
Ercan Akyol
Research Subject: 17. Yüzyıl İstanbul'unda Edebi Kültür
Affiliation: University of Vienna
Tijen Tunalı
Research Subject: Art and the City: Aesthetics and Politics of Street Arts in Istanbul
Affiliation: Aarhus University
Ayşe Nur Akdal
Conference Title: 3rd Network for the Study of Environmental History of Turkey (NEHT) Environmental Histories of the Ottoman and post-Ottoman World. The Anthropocene: From Empire to Nation-States
Proceeding Title: Rethink the Urban-Rural Linkages: Change in Fresh Food Supply Patterns of Istanbul since the Late Nineteenth Century
Affiliation: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Conference Title: Audiovisual Translation and Minority Cultures
Research Subject: Mediation and subversion in The Club: translating the minorities of Turkey
Affiliation: Marmara Üniversitesi
Eylül Doğan
Conference Title: 21st Quinquennial Congress of the International Musicological Society (IMS2022)
Proceeding Title: Symbiosis of Musical Knowledge in Written Sources: How Do We Read Greek Musical Texts Written for Maqam Music Theory and Repertoire in 19th Century Istanbul
Affiliation: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
Seriyye Akan
Conference Title: 28th International Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO)
Proceeding Title: Pursuing Ottoman Identity through Scientific Translations
Affiliation: SUNY Binghamton University
Özlem Balcı Öztürk
Conference Title: 17th International Docomomo Conference “Modern Design: Social Commitment & Quality of Life”
Proceeding Title: Brutal Aesthetics Effects in Post-War Turkey: Experimental Interior Spaces
Affiliation: Kocaeli Üniversitesi
2021-2022 Grants
Istanbul Research Institute commits itself to support researchers who could expand the literature in the field of Istanbul studies with novel approaches and un-earthed sources. To this end, we have called for applications in four grant categories in 2021: Post-Doctoral Research and Writing Grant, Research and Write-Up Grant for PhD Candidates, Travel Grants, and Conference Grants. We cherish the fact that our calls attracted a great number of hard-working researchers who put enormous effort into proposing their valuable research for the grants we offered. With great delight we introduce the researchers whose projects we took pride in supporting.
Jessica Varsallona
Research Subject: Constantinople and the ‘Palaiologan Renaissance’ (1261-1453): Cross-Cultural Contexts, Patronage, and Architecture
Affiliation: University of Birmingham, Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman, and Modern Greek Studies
Yasemin Akçagüner
Dissertation Title: Celestial Bodies: The Cycle of Life in Ottoman Istanbul 1774-1856
Affiliation: Columbia University, Department of History
İrem Yıldız
Research Subject: Spectacle of the Blind Beggar in Ottoman Istanbul: Disability in the Urban Setting during the Late 19th Century (1868-1914)
Affiliation: University of Oxford, Department of Oriental Studies
Burak Sayım
Research Subject: Transnational Communist Networks in the Post WWI Middle East: Anti-Colonialism, Internationalism and Itinerant Militancy (1919-1928)
Affiliation: Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, International History Department
Mandy Paige-Lovingood
Research Subject: The Eighteenth-Century Cross-Cultural Exchange Between the Ottoman Empire and France with An Emphasis on the Intersections between Gender, Identity, and Exhibition Display Found in Turqueries
Affiliation: North Carolina State University, College of Humanities & Social Sciences, Department of History
Deniz Karakaş
Research Subject: Viewing the City from its Pipes: Early Modern Water-Supply Maps of Istanbul and their Afterlives
Affiliation: Tulane University, Department of Art
Nikolas Andronikos
Research Subject: Greek-Orthodox Church Musicians of Istanbul as Agents of Musical Modernity, 19th Century
Affiliation: University of Ionnia, Department of Music Studies
Burcu Köken
Research Subject: Contending Architectures: Practice, Policy, and Discourse in Mimarlık, 1963-1980
Affiliation: Technische Universiteit Delft, Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment
Buket Kitapçı Bayrı
Research Subject: Two Tales of a City. Adrianople /Edirne
Affiliation: Independent scholar
Deniz Halman Tomaka
Research Subject: The Effect of Online Platforms on Local Cultural Consumption: Kadıköy, Istanbul
Affiliation: Kadir Has University, Communication Science
Emir Küçük
Research Subject: Waste Management of Late Ottoman Istanbul
Affiliation: Boğaziçi University, Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History
Gizem Kıygı
Research Subject: Building the Sanitation: 1865 Cholera Outbreak and Establishment of Municipal Hospital in 19th Century İstanbul
Affiliation: City Detective Initiative
2020 - 2021 Grants
Istanbul Research Institute commits itself to support researchers who could expand the literature in the field of Istanbul studies with novel approaches and un-earthed sources. To this end, we have called for applications in four grant categories in 2020: Post-Doctoral Research and Writing Grant, Research and Write-Up Grant for PhD Candidates, Travel Grants, and Conference Grants. We cherish the fact that our calls attracted a great number of hard-working researchers who put enormous effort into proposing their valuable research for the grants we offered. This year, the pandemic of novel coronavirus Covid-19 forced many conferences to be cancelled or postponed, a phenomenon that diminished the conference grant applications. Therefore, we have increased the number of travel grants recipients in a way that would support researchers from Turkey who plan to travel abroad. With great delight we introduce the researchers whose projects we took pride in supporting.
Orçun Can Okan
Research Project: Xenophobia in Istanbul, A Century Ago: Contested Politics of Employment in the Transition from Empire to Republic
Affiliation: Columbia University, PhD, History, 2020
Dissertation Title: Coping with Transitions: The Connected Construction of Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq (1918-1928)
Sultan Toprak Oker
Research Project: The World of Taverns in Seventeenth-Century Ottoman Galata
Affiliation: PhD candidate, Department of History, University of Minnesota
Emre Gönlügür
Research Project: Sör Henry Bulwer’in Yassıada’daki Malikânesi ve 19. Yüzyıl İngiliz Emperyal Gotiği
Affiliation: PhD, University of Toronto. Faculty member, İzmir University of Economics
Ekaterina Aygun
Research Project: Istanbul as a City of ‘First-wave emigration’ and a Place of Creativity for Russian-speaking Painters, Sculptors and Photographers
Affiliation: PhD candidate, Ludwig Maximilian University
Elena Gittleman
Research Project: Legacies of Ancient Theater in Middle Byzantine Visual Culture (ca. 843–1204)
Affiliation: PhD candidate, Bryn Mawr College
Fatma Esen
Research Project: İşgal Altındaki İstanbul'da Basın Sansürü (1918-1923)
Affiliation: M.A., Sabancı University
Leah Clark
Research Project: Courtly Mediators: Transcultural Objects across Renaissance Courts
Affiliation: PhD, McGill University. Senior Lecturer, The Open University
Luca Patrizi
Research Project: The Presence of the Prophet: Muhammad in the Mirror of His Community in Early Modern and Modern Islam
Affiliation: Joint PhD, Aix-Marseille University and University of Naples. Research Fellow, University of Exeter
Özlem Atay
Research Project: Yunan Roman ve Sinemasında (1998-2016) İstanbul ve İstanbullu Kimliğinin Gösterimi
Affiliation: PhD candidate, University of Patras
Stelios Karagiannopoulos
Research Project: The Lived Experience of the Middle Class Greek Orthodox Population of Istanbul/Constantinople at the Turn of the 20th Century: the Case of Yiorgos Pisaroglu
Affiliation: Librarian, European Committee of the Regions. M.A., University of London
Steven Moon
Research Project: Sound, Science, Islam: Music as Healing in Istanbul
Affiliation: PhD candidate, University of Pittsburgh
Sena Karahan
Proceeding Title: Urban Sonic Research and Sound Map: soundinbetweenness.org
Conference: Urban and Regional Development 2021, Antwerp
Affiliation: PhD candidate, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University
2019-2020 Grants
Istanbul Research Institute commits itself to support researchers who could expand the literature in the field of Istanbul studies with novel approaches and un-earthed sources. To this end, we have called for applications in four grant categories in 2019: Post-Doctoral Research and Writing Grant, Research and Write-Up Grant for PhD Candidates, Travel Grants, and Conference Grants. We cherish the fact that our calls attracted a great number of hard-working researchers who put enormous effort into proposing their valuable research for the grants we offered. With great delight we introduce the researchers whose projects we took pride in supporting.
Sinem Erdoğan İşkorkutan
Research Subject: Festivity and Representation in the Early Modern Capital: The 1720 Imperial Celebrations in Istanbul.
Affiliation: Boğaziçi University. History of Art, Architecture and Visual Culture, PhD.
Mine Yıldırım
Research Subject: Şiddet ile İhtimam Arasında: Köpeksizleşen İstanbul.
Affiliation: The New School for Social Research. Political Science, PhD candidate.
Aristotelis George Nayfa
Affiliation: University of Edinburgh. Byzantine History, PhD candidate.
Pamela Armstrong
Affiliation: Senior Research Fellow, Campion Hall, University of Oxford.
Pelin Tünaydın
Affiliation: University of Washington. Interdisciplinary Near and Middle Eastern Studies, PhD candidate.
Sarah Knight
Affiliation: University of Leicester, School of Arts. Professor of Renaissance Literature.
Saro Dadyan
Affiliation: Koç University. Comparative Studies History and Society, ongoing MA.
Sinan Ekim
Affiliation: London School of Economics and Political Science. International History, PhD candidate.
Ceren Abi
Affiliation: University of California. History, PhD candidate.
Conference: Middle East Studies Association of North America 2019 Annual Meeting.
Özde Çeliktemel Thomen
Affiliation: University College London. Centre for Intercultural Studies, PhD.
Conference: Middle East Studies Association of North America 2019 Annual Meeting.
Sezen Kayhan
Affiliation: Koç University. Design, Technology and Society, PhD candidate.
Conference: 10th Annual Small Cinemas Conference.