Chamber Talks

Turkish Music in the Context of Its Interactions
Through Medium and Space
Barış Güleç


23 May 2019 / 18:30 Geçmiş Aktivite

All that seem to be different are in fact closely related. Culture embraces and encircles us in this way. Our literature is firmly placed in the art of calligraphy; our architecture contains music; we cannot even imagine our music without literature; and glissando in music, i.e. sliding between two notes, has the harmony of drawing a line in calligraphy. A painter who inspects how the sunlight meets objects; a musician who thinks on how to convey love through musical notes; a sculptor who, in the granite mass, vividly visualizes the figure from their imagination; or a poet who, as they describe life, writes poetry through compositions that have never even been imagined, are the real heroes that shape the civilization in way worthy of living for the entire humanity. In this session of the Chamber Talks with Barış Güleç, we will discuss how different art forms are closely intertwined, and how different cultural worlds interact with each other, through examples from the world history.

Free of admissions; drop in. The talk will be in Turkish.