YILLIK: Annual of Istanbul Studies 2 (2020)
The peer-reviewed articles of YILLIK: Annual of Istanbul Studies 2 (2020) include works that approach Istanbul from the perspectives of history of medicine and pandemics, architectural history and conservation, historiography and history of science. Cabinet, devoted to documents from the Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation Collections, analyzes a paper icon with the themes of Last Judgment and the Second Coming. Meclis includes two thematic dossiers: the first consists of selected papers from the 2014 symposium organized at the Pera Museum, Imagining the City; and the second deals with experiencing Hagia Sophia in the past, and the diverse encounters with it. Meclis concludes with a short piece that problematizes the validity of the accepted date of the conquest of Constantinople, May 29, 1453.Reviews and Istanbul Bibliography features seven book and three exhibition reviews with various themes, periods, and disciplines, as well as the Istanbul Bibliography 2020, which brings together the latest research on Istanbul.
Istanbul Research Institute Publications 45
Periodicals 9
Istanbul, December 2020
ISSN 2687-5012
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Peer-reviewed articles
Fezanur Karaağaçlıoğlu – Exotic and Toxic? Plague in Early Nineteenth-Century Galata-Pera
Akif Ercihan Yerlioğlu – “May Those Who Understand What I Wrote Remember This Humble One”: Paratextual Elements in Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Medical Manuscripts
Hasan Sercan Sağlam – Galata Kulesi’nin Ceneviz Dönemine Yönelik Bir Yeniden Değerlendirme
Serra Akboy-İlk – Building the Architectural Narrative of the Topkapı Kara Ahmed Pasha Mosque Complex in Early Republican Turkey
Gábor Fodor – Harp İstanbul’unda Macar Arkeolojisi: Konstantinopolis Macar Bilim Enstitüsü (1916-1918)
Brigitte Pitarakis – The Naked Soul at the Scales: A Paper Icon in the Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation Collection
Olcay Akyıldız, Zeynep Uysal – Şehri Hayal Etmek: İstanbul Tahayyülleri
Selim Sırrı Kuru – İki Şehrin Şiiri: Gazelde İstanbul ve Galata İkilisi
Hatice Aynur – Tatavlalı Mahremî’nin Şehnâme’sinde Suriçi İstanbul’u
Handan İnci – Hangi İstanbul? Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar ve Orhan Kemal’in Gözünden Şehre Bakmak
Murat Germen – Şimdilerde Şehir: Hayal Kırıklığı
Brigitte Pitarakis – Hagia Sophia, God’s Chosen Ruler, and St. Nicholas: New Perspectives on the Macedonian Dynasty
Arietta Papaconstantinou – The Sound of a Thousand Tongues: Visitors to Constantinople from the Eastern Provinces in the Sixth Century
Koray Durak – Hapishanede Ayasofya’yı Düşünmek: El-Ömerî ile Balaban’ın Kostantiniyye’deki Ulu Kilise Üzerine Sohbeti
Marios Philippides – The Date of the Conquest of Constantinople: May 29, 1453?
Reviews and Istanbul Bibliography 2020
Florin Leonte, Imperial Visions of Late Byzantium: Manuel II Palaiologos and Rhetoric in Purple. Reviewed by Paul Magdalino
Gülsün Tanyeli, “Hiçbir Üstâd Böyle Kâr Etmemişdir”: Osmanlı İnşaat Teknolojisi Tarihi. Reviewed by Damla Gürkan-Anar
Zeren Tanındı, Yazıda Âhenk ve Renk: Sadberk Hanım Müzesi Koleksiyonundan Sanatlı Kitaplar, Belgeler ve Hüsn-i Hatlar. Reviewed by Aslıhan Erkmen
Christopher Houston, Istanbul, City of the Fearless: Urban Activism, Coup d’État and Memory in Turkey. Reviewed by Sinan Erensü
Priscus, Fragmenta et Excerpta: Attila ve Bizans Tarihi. Trans. and ed. Turhan Kaçar. Reviewed by Aslıhan Akışık-Karakullukçu
Ayten Alkan, ed., Şehir ve Hayvan. Reviewed by Onur İnal
Roland Betancourt and Maria Taroutina, ed., Byzantium/Modernism: The Byzantine as Method in Modernity. Reviewed by: Przemysław Marciniak
Inspired by the East: How the Islamic World Influenced Western Art. Reviewed by Leyla Kayhan Elbirlik
Connectivités (Connectivities). Reviewed by Ekin Can Göksoy
Modernisms: Iranian, Turkish, and Indian Highlights from New York University’s Abby Weed Grey Collection. Reviewed by Lydia Harrington
Istanbul Bibliography 2020. Compiled by Osman Kocabal and Deniz Özcan