
Mısır Çarşısı’nı Düşünmek

Mekânsal Pratikler, Özneler, Gündelik Yaşam

Ö. Sıla Durhan
Yekta Özgüven

The book embodies a comprehensive study on the Spice Bazaar (Egyptian Bazaar), a symbol of Eminönü and an important part of Istanbul’s historical, architectural and cultural heritage.

Ö. Sıla Durhan and Yekta Özgüven present an in-depth, detailed research on the Spice Bazaar, about which few studies have ever been conducted. Built in the 17th century as an extension of the New Mosque (Yeni Camii), the bazaar has always served as a spice and herbs market, although the use of its capacity has varied over the years. Situated in Eminönü, one of the most vibrant trade centers of Istanbul, the building is remarkable for many reasons, including its ability to have physically and economically withstood the many demolitions, constructions and extensions it has undergone throughout its history.

Mısır Çarşısı’nı Düşünmek: Mekânsal Pratikler, Özneler, Gündelik Yaşam focuses on the transformation that the bazaar and its surrounding area have gone through, closely examining the marks left by history and how these marks manifest themselves in the space, as well as in ideas and practices. The title, “Exploring the Spice Bazaar”, refers to understanding the changes the structure has experienced. Therefore, the book reveals the social and spatial contexts, or the environments and conditions, that gave the bazaar its identity, and helps us to understand the building from different perspectives. 

December 2021
391 Pages
ISBN 978-605-71205-0-2