İstanbul Studies Series

II. Meşrutiyet’in Saray Mimarı M. Vedad [Tek] Bey

Kurmak ve Onarmak
Mimar-Restoratör Mualla Eyüboğlu (1919-2009)

Mısır Çarşısı’nı Düşünmek
Mekânsal Pratikler, Özneler, Gündelik Yaşam

Sieges of İstanbul from Byzantion to Constantinople
Editors: Murat Arslan – Turhan Kaçar

Bachelor Rooms and Taverns
Marginality and Space in Ottoman Istanbul
(1789 – 1839)

18th Century İstanbul Houses
Architecture, Property Income, Comfort, Privacy

Ancient İstanbul, Ancient Literary Sources from Byzas to Constantine

Modernization without Blueprints

Dolmabahçe Sarayı
İnşa Süreci, Mekân ve Teşkilatı

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